Dataset Information

missing_value: 9.999999870e+14
Conventions: CF-1.0
title: MERRA reanalysis. GEOS-5.2.0
history: File written by CFIO
institution: Global Modeling and Assimilation Office, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771
source: Global Modeling and Assimilation Office. GEOSops_5_2_0
comment: GEOS-5.2.0

Variables in this Dataset

EFLUX: Array of 32 bit Reals [TIME = 0..23][YDim = 0..360][XDim = 0..539]
_FillValue: 9.999999870e+14
long_name: Latent heat flux (positive upward)
standard_name: total_latent_energy_flux
units: W/m2
scale_factor: 1.000000000
add_offset: 0.000000000
missing_value: 9.999999870e+14
fmissing_value: 9.999999870e+14
vmin: -1.000000015e+30
vmax: 1.000000015e+30
valid_range: -1.000000015e+30, 1.000000015e+30
coordinates: TIME YDim XDim
fullpath: /EOSGRID/Data Fields/EFLUX
EVAP: Array of 32 bit Reals [TIME = 0..23][YDim = 0..360][XDim = 0..539]
_FillValue: 9.999999870e+14
long_name: Surface evaporation
standard_name: evaporation_from_turbulence
units: kg/m2/s
scale_factor: 1.000000000
add_offset: 0.000000000
missing_value: 9.999999870e+14
fmissing_value: 9.999999870e+14
vmin: -1.000000015e+30
vmax: 1.000000015e+30
valid_range: -1.000000015e+30, 1.000000015e+30
coordinates: TIME YDim XDim
fullpath: /EOSGRID/Data Fields/EVAP
HFLUX: Array of 32 bit Reals [TIME = 0..23][YDim = 0..360][XDim = 0..539]
_FillValue: 9.999999870e+14
long_name: Sensible heat flux (positive upward)
standard_name: sensible_heat_flux_from_turbulence
units: W/m2
scale_factor: 1.000000000
add_offset: 0.000000000
missing_value: 9.999999870e+14
fmissing_value: 9.999999870e+14
vmin: -1.000000015e+30
vmax: 1.000000015e+30
valid_range: -1.000000015e+30, 1.000000015e+30
coordinates: TIME YDim XDim
fullpath: /EOSGRID/Data Fields/HFLUX
TAUX: Array of 32 bit Reals [TIME = 0..23][YDim = 0..360][XDim = 0..539]
_FillValue: 9.999999870e+14
long_name: Eastward surface wind stress
standard_name: eastward_surface_stress
units: N/m2
scale_factor: 1.000000000
add_offset: 0.000000000
missing_value: 9.999999870e+14
fmissing_value: 9.999999870e+14
vmin: -1.000000015e+30
vmax: 1.000000015e+30
valid_range: -1.000000015e+30, 1.000000015e+30
coordinates: TIME YDim XDim
fullpath: /EOSGRID/Data Fields/TAUX
TAUY: Array of 32 bit Reals [TIME = 0..23][YDim = 0..360][XDim = 0..539]
_FillValue: 9.999999870e+14
long_name: Northward surface wind stress
standard_name: northward_surface_stress
units: N/m2
scale_factor: 1.000000000
add_offset: 0.000000000
missing_value: 9.999999870e+14
fmissing_value: 9.999999870e+14
vmin: -1.000000015e+30
vmax: 1.000000015e+30
valid_range: -1.000000015e+30, 1.000000015e+30
coordinates: TIME YDim XDim
fullpath: /EOSGRID/Data Fields/TAUY
TAUGWX: Array of 32 bit Reals [TIME = 0..23][YDim = 0..360][XDim = 0..539]
_FillValue: 9.999999870e+14
long_name: Eastward gravity wave surface stress
standard_name: surface_eastward_gravity_wave_stress
units: N/m2
scale_factor: 1.000000000
add_offset: 0.000000000
missing_value: 9.999999870e+14
fmissing_value: 9.999999870e+14
vmin: -1.000000015e+30
vmax: 1.000000015e+30
valid_range: -1.000000015e+30, 1.000000015e+30
coordinates: TIME YDim XDim
fullpath: /EOSGRID/Data Fields/TAUGWX
TAUGWY: Array of 32 bit Reals [TIME = 0..23][YDim = 0..360][XDim = 0..539]
_FillValue: 9.999999870e+14
long_name: Northward gravity wave surface stress
standard_name: surface_northward_gravity_wave_stress
units: N/m2
scale_factor: 1.000000000
add_offset: 0.000000000
missing_value: 9.999999870e+14
fmissing_value: 9.999999870e+14
vmin: -1.000000015e+30
vmax: 1.000000015e+30
valid_range: -1.000000015e+30, 1.000000015e+30
coordinates: TIME YDim XDim
fullpath: /EOSGRID/Data Fields/TAUGWY
PBLH: Array of 32 bit Reals [TIME = 0..23][YDim = 0..360][XDim = 0..539]
_FillValue: 9.999999870e+14
long_name: Planetary boundary layer height
standard_name: Planetary boundary layer height
units: m
scale_factor: 1.000000000
add_offset: 0.000000000
missing_value: 9.999999870e+14
fmissing_value: 9.999999870e+14
vmin: -1.000000015e+30
vmax: 1.000000015e+30
valid_range: -1.000000015e+30, 1.000000015e+30
coordinates: TIME YDim XDim
fullpath: /EOSGRID/Data Fields/PBLH
DISPH: Array of 32 bit Reals [TIME = 0..23][YDim = 0..360][XDim = 0..539]
_FillValue: 9.999999870e+14
long_name: Displacement Height
standard_name: zero_plane_displacement_height
units: m
scale_factor: 1.000000000
add_offset: 0.000000000
missing_value: 9.999999870e+14
fmissing_value: 9.999999870e+14
vmin: -1.000000015e+30
vmax: 1.000000015e+30
valid_range: -1.000000015e+30, 1.000000015e+30
coordinates: TIME YDim XDim
fullpath: /EOSGRID/Data Fields/DISPH
BSTAR: Array of 32 bit Reals [TIME = 0..23][YDim = 0..360][XDim = 0..539]
_FillValue: 9.999999870e+14
long_name: Surface buoyancy scale
standard_name: surface_bouyancy_scale
units: m/s
scale_factor: 1.000000000
add_offset: 0.000000000
missing_value: 9.999999870e+14
fmissing_value: 9.999999870e+14
vmin: -1.000000015e+30
vmax: 1.000000015e+30
valid_range: -1.000000015e+30, 1.000000015e+30
coordinates: TIME YDim XDim
fullpath: /EOSGRID/Data Fields/BSTAR
USTAR: Array of 32 bit Reals [TIME = 0..23][YDim = 0..360][XDim = 0..539]
_FillValue: 9.999999870e+14
long_name: Surface velocity scale
standard_name: surface_velocity_scale
units: m/s
scale_factor: 1.000000000
add_offset: 0.000000000
missing_value: 9.999999870e+14
fmissing_value: 9.999999870e+14
vmin: -1.000000015e+30
vmax: 1.000000015e+30
valid_range: -1.000000015e+30, 1.000000015e+30
coordinates: TIME YDim XDim
fullpath: /EOSGRID/Data Fields/USTAR
TSTAR: Array of 32 bit Reals [TIME = 0..23][YDim = 0..360][XDim = 0..539]
_FillValue: 9.999999870e+14
long_name: Surface temperature scale
standard_name: surface_temperature_scale
units: K
scale_factor: 1.000000000
add_offset: 0.000000000
missing_value: 9.999999870e+14
fmissing_value: 9.999999870e+14
vmin: -1.000000015e+30
vmax: 1.000000015e+30
valid_range: -1.000000015e+30, 1.000000015e+30
coordinates: TIME YDim XDim
fullpath: /EOSGRID/Data Fields/TSTAR
QSTAR: Array of 32 bit Reals [TIME = 0..23][YDim = 0..360][XDim = 0..539]
_FillValue: 9.999999870e+14
long_name: Surface humidity scale
standard_name: surface_moisture_scale
units: kg/kg
scale_factor: 1.000000000
add_offset: 0.000000000
missing_value: 9.999999870e+14
fmissing_value: 9.999999870e+14
vmin: -1.000000015e+30
vmax: 1.000000015e+30
valid_range: -1.000000015e+30, 1.000000015e+30
coordinates: TIME YDim XDim
fullpath: /EOSGRID/Data Fields/QSTAR
RI: Array of 32 bit Reals [TIME = 0..23][YDim = 0..360][XDim = 0..539]
_FillValue: 9.999999870e+14
long_name: Surface Richardson number
standard_name: surface_bulk_richardson_number
units: nondimensional
scale_factor: 1.000000000
add_offset: 0.000000000
missing_value: 9.999999870e+14
fmissing_value: 9.999999870e+14
vmin: -1.000000015e+30
vmax: 1.000000015e+30
valid_range: -1.000000015e+30, 1.000000015e+30
coordinates: TIME YDim XDim
fullpath: /EOSGRID/Data Fields/RI
Z0H: Array of 32 bit Reals [TIME = 0..23][YDim = 0..360][XDim = 0..539]
_FillValue: 9.999999870e+14
long_name: Roughness length, sensible heat
standard_name: surface_roughness_for_heat
units: m
scale_factor: 1.000000000
add_offset: 0.000000000
missing_value: 9.999999870e+14
fmissing_value: 9.999999870e+14
vmin: -1.000000015e+30
vmax: 1.000000015e+30
valid_range: -1.000000015e+30, 1.000000015e+30
coordinates: TIME YDim XDim
fullpath: /EOSGRID/Data Fields/Z0H
Z0M: Array of 32 bit Reals [TIME = 0..23][YDim = 0..360][XDim = 0..539]
_FillValue: 9.999999870e+14
long_name: Roughness length, momentum
standard_name: surface_roughness
units: m
scale_factor: 1.000000000
add_offset: 0.000000000
missing_value: 9.999999870e+14
fmissing_value: 9.999999870e+14
vmin: -1.000000015e+30
vmax: 1.000000015e+30
valid_range: -1.000000015e+30, 1.000000015e+30
coordinates: TIME YDim XDim
fullpath: /EOSGRID/Data Fields/Z0M
HLML: Array of 32 bit Reals [TIME = 0..23][YDim = 0..360][XDim = 0..539]
_FillValue: 9.999999870e+14
long_name: Height of center of lowest model layer
standard_name: surface_layer_height
units: m
scale_factor: 1.000000000
add_offset: 0.000000000
missing_value: 9.999999870e+14
fmissing_value: 9.999999870e+14
vmin: -1.000000015e+30
vmax: 1.000000015e+30
valid_range: -1.000000015e+30, 1.000000015e+30
coordinates: TIME YDim XDim
fullpath: /EOSGRID/Data Fields/HLML
TLML: Array of 32 bit Reals [TIME = 0..23][YDim = 0..360][XDim = 0..539]
_FillValue: 9.999999870e+14
long_name: Temperature of lowest model layer
standard_name: surface_temperature_from_surface
units: K
scale_factor: 1.000000000
add_offset: 0.000000000
missing_value: 9.999999870e+14
fmissing_value: 9.999999870e+14
vmin: -1.000000015e+30
vmax: 1.000000015e+30
valid_range: -1.000000015e+30, 1.000000015e+30
coordinates: TIME YDim XDim
fullpath: /EOSGRID/Data Fields/TLML
QLML: Array of 32 bit Reals [TIME = 0..23][YDim = 0..360][XDim = 0..539]
_FillValue: 9.999999870e+14
long_name: Specific Humidity of lowest model layer
standard_name: surface_air_specific_humidity
units: kg/kg
scale_factor: 1.000000000
add_offset: 0.000000000
missing_value: 9.999999870e+14
fmissing_value: 9.999999870e+14
vmin: -1.000000015e+30
vmax: 1.000000015e+30
valid_range: -1.000000015e+30, 1.000000015e+30
coordinates: TIME YDim XDim
fullpath: /EOSGRID/Data Fields/QLML
ULML: Array of 32 bit Reals [TIME = 0..23][YDim = 0..360][XDim = 0..539]
_FillValue: 9.999999870e+14
long_name: Eastward Wind of lowest model layer
standard_name: surface_eastward_wind
units: m/s
scale_factor: 1.000000000
add_offset: 0.000000000
missing_value: 9.999999870e+14
fmissing_value: 9.999999870e+14
vmin: -1.000000015e+30
vmax: 1.000000015e+30
valid_range: -1.000000015e+30, 1.000000015e+30
coordinates: TIME YDim XDim
fullpath: /EOSGRID/Data Fields/ULML
VLML: Array of 32 bit Reals [TIME = 0..23][YDim = 0..360][XDim = 0..539]
_FillValue: 9.999999870e+14
long_name: Northward Wind of lowest model layer
standard_name: surface_northward_wind
units: m/s
scale_factor: 1.000000000
add_offset: 0.000000000
missing_value: 9.999999870e+14
fmissing_value: 9.999999870e+14
vmin: -1.000000015e+30
vmax: 1.000000015e+30
valid_range: -1.000000015e+30, 1.000000015e+30
coordinates: TIME YDim XDim
fullpath: /EOSGRID/Data Fields/VLML
RHOA: Array of 32 bit Reals [TIME = 0..23][YDim = 0..360][XDim = 0..539]
_FillValue: 9.999999870e+14
long_name: Surface air density
standard_name: air_density_at_surface
units: kg/m3
scale_factor: 1.000000000
add_offset: 0.000000000
missing_value: 9.999999870e+14
fmissing_value: 9.999999870e+14
vmin: -1.000000015e+30
vmax: 1.000000015e+30
valid_range: -1.000000015e+30, 1.000000015e+30
coordinates: TIME YDim XDim
fullpath: /EOSGRID/Data Fields/RHOA
SPEED: Array of 32 bit Reals [TIME = 0..23][YDim = 0..360][XDim = 0..539]
_FillValue: 9.999999870e+14
long_name: Effective surface wind speed
standard_name: surface_ventilation_velocity
units: m/s
scale_factor: 1.000000000
add_offset: 0.000000000
missing_value: 9.999999870e+14
fmissing_value: 9.999999870e+14
vmin: -1.000000015e+30
vmax: 1.000000015e+30
valid_range: -1.000000015e+30, 1.000000015e+30
coordinates: TIME YDim XDim
fullpath: /EOSGRID/Data Fields/SPEED
CDH: Array of 32 bit Reals [TIME = 0..23][YDim = 0..360][XDim = 0..539]
_FillValue: 9.999999870e+14
long_name: Surface exchange coefficient for heat
standard_name: surface_heat_exchange_coefficient
units: kg/m2/s
scale_factor: 1.000000000
add_offset: 0.000000000
missing_value: 9.999999870e+14
fmissing_value: 9.999999870e+14
vmin: -1.000000015e+30
vmax: 1.000000015e+30
valid_range: -1.000000015e+30, 1.000000015e+30
coordinates: TIME YDim XDim
fullpath: /EOSGRID/Data Fields/CDH
CDQ: Array of 32 bit Reals [TIME = 0..23][YDim = 0..360][XDim = 0..539]
_FillValue: 9.999999870e+14
long_name: Surface exchange coefficient for moisture
standard_name: surface_moisture_exchange_coefficient
units: kg/m2/s
scale_factor: 1.000000000
add_offset: 0.000000000
missing_value: 9.999999870e+14
fmissing_value: 9.999999870e+14
vmin: -1.000000015e+30
vmax: 1.000000015e+30
valid_range: -1.000000015e+30, 1.000000015e+30
coordinates: TIME YDim XDim
fullpath: /EOSGRID/Data Fields/CDQ
CDM: Array of 32 bit Reals [TIME = 0..23][YDim = 0..360][XDim = 0..539]
_FillValue: 9.999999870e+14
long_name: Surface exchange coefficient for momentum
standard_name: surface_momentum_exchange_coefficient
units: kg/m2/s
scale_factor: 1.000000000
add_offset: 0.000000000
missing_value: 9.999999870e+14
fmissing_value: 9.999999870e+14
vmin: -1.000000015e+30
vmax: 1.000000015e+30
valid_range: -1.000000015e+30, 1.000000015e+30
coordinates: TIME YDim XDim
fullpath: /EOSGRID/Data Fields/CDM
CN: Array of 32 bit Reals [TIME = 0..23][YDim = 0..360][XDim = 0..539]
_FillValue: 9.999999870e+14
long_name: Surface neutral drag coefficient
standard_name: surface_neutral_drag_coefficient
units: nondimensional
scale_factor: 1.000000000
add_offset: 0.000000000
missing_value: 9.999999870e+14
fmissing_value: 9.999999870e+14
vmin: -1.000000015e+30
vmax: 1.000000015e+30
valid_range: -1.000000015e+30, 1.000000015e+30
coordinates: TIME YDim XDim
fullpath: /EOSGRID/Data Fields/CN
TSH: Array of 32 bit Reals [TIME = 0..23][YDim = 0..360][XDim = 0..539]
_FillValue: 9.999999870e+14
long_name: Effective turbulence skin temperature
standard_name: effective_surface_skin_temperature
units: K
scale_factor: 1.000000000
add_offset: 0.000000000
missing_value: 9.999999870e+14
fmissing_value: 9.999999870e+14
vmin: -1.000000015e+30
vmax: 1.000000015e+30
valid_range: -1.000000015e+30, 1.000000015e+30
coordinates: TIME YDim XDim
fullpath: /EOSGRID/Data Fields/TSH
QSH: Array of 32 bit Reals [TIME = 0..23][YDim = 0..360][XDim = 0..539]
_FillValue: 9.999999870e+14
long_name: Effective turbulence skin humidity
standard_name: effective_surface_specific_humidity
units: kg/kg
scale_factor: 1.000000000
add_offset: 0.000000000
missing_value: 9.999999870e+14
fmissing_value: 9.999999870e+14
vmin: -1.000000015e+30
vmax: 1.000000015e+30
valid_range: -1.000000015e+30, 1.000000015e+30
coordinates: TIME YDim XDim
fullpath: /EOSGRID/Data Fields/QSH
FRSEAICE: Array of 32 bit Reals [TIME = 0..23][YDim = 0..360][XDim = 0..539]
_FillValue: 9.999999870e+14
long_name: Ice covered fraction of tile
standard_name: ice_covered_fraction_of_tile
units: fraction
scale_factor: 1.000000000
add_offset: 0.000000000
missing_value: 9.999999870e+14
fmissing_value: 9.999999870e+14
vmin: -1.000000015e+30
vmax: 1.000000015e+30
valid_range: -1.000000015e+30, 1.000000015e+30
coordinates: TIME YDim XDim
fullpath: /EOSGRID/Data Fields/FRSEAICE
PRECANV: Array of 32 bit Reals [TIME = 0..23][YDim = 0..360][XDim = 0..539]
_FillValue: 9.999999870e+14
long_name: Surface precipitation flux from anvils
standard_name: anvil_precipitation
units: kg/m2/s
scale_factor: 1.000000000
add_offset: 0.000000000
missing_value: 9.999999870e+14
fmissing_value: 9.999999870e+14
vmin: -1.000000015e+30
vmax: 1.000000015e+30
valid_range: -1.000000015e+30, 1.000000015e+30
coordinates: TIME YDim XDim
fullpath: /EOSGRID/Data Fields/PRECANV
PRECCON: Array of 32 bit Reals [TIME = 0..23][YDim = 0..360][XDim = 0..539]
_FillValue: 9.999999870e+14
long_name: Surface precipitation flux from convection
standard_name: Surface Conv. rain flux needed by land
units: kg/m2/s
scale_factor: 1.000000000
add_offset: 0.000000000
missing_value: 9.999999870e+14
fmissing_value: 9.999999870e+14
vmin: -1.000000015e+30
vmax: 1.000000015e+30
valid_range: -1.000000015e+30, 1.000000015e+30
coordinates: TIME YDim XDim
fullpath: /EOSGRID/Data Fields/PRECCON
PRECLSC: Array of 32 bit Reals [TIME = 0..23][YDim = 0..360][XDim = 0..539]
_FillValue: 9.999999870e+14
long_name: Surface precipitation flux from large-scale
standard_name: nonanvil_large_scale_precipitation
units: kg/m2/s
scale_factor: 1.000000000
add_offset: 0.000000000
missing_value: 9.999999870e+14
fmissing_value: 9.999999870e+14
vmin: -1.000000015e+30
vmax: 1.000000015e+30
valid_range: -1.000000015e+30, 1.000000015e+30
coordinates: TIME YDim XDim
fullpath: /EOSGRID/Data Fields/PRECLSC
PRECSNO: Array of 32 bit Reals [TIME = 0..23][YDim = 0..360][XDim = 0..539]
_FillValue: 9.999999870e+14
long_name: Surface snowfall flux
standard_name: snowfall
units: kg/m2/s
scale_factor: 1.000000000
add_offset: 0.000000000
missing_value: 9.999999870e+14
fmissing_value: 9.999999870e+14
vmin: -1.000000015e+30
vmax: 1.000000015e+30
valid_range: -1.000000015e+30, 1.000000015e+30
coordinates: TIME YDim XDim
fullpath: /EOSGRID/Data Fields/PRECSNO
PRECTOT: Array of 32 bit Reals [TIME = 0..23][YDim = 0..360][XDim = 0..539]
_FillValue: 9.999999870e+14
long_name: Total surface precipitation flux
standard_name: total_precipitation
units: kg/m2/s
scale_factor: 1.000000000
add_offset: 0.000000000
missing_value: 9.999999870e+14
fmissing_value: 9.999999870e+14
vmin: -1.000000015e+30
vmax: 1.000000015e+30
valid_range: -1.000000015e+30, 1.000000015e+30
coordinates: TIME YDim XDim
fullpath: /EOSGRID/Data Fields/PRECTOT
PGENTOT: Array of 32 bit Reals [TIME = 0..23][YDim = 0..360][XDim = 0..539]
_FillValue: 9.999999870e+14
long_name: Total generation of precipitation
standard_name: Total_column_production_of_precipitation
units: kg/m2/s
scale_factor: 1.000000000
add_offset: 0.000000000
missing_value: 9.999999870e+14
fmissing_value: 9.999999870e+14
vmin: -1.000000015e+30
vmax: 1.000000015e+30
valid_range: -1.000000015e+30, 1.000000015e+30
coordinates: TIME YDim XDim
fullpath: /EOSGRID/Data Fields/PGENTOT
XDim: Array of 64 bit Reals [XDim = 0..539]
long_name: longitude
units: degrees_east
fullpath: XDim:EOSGRID
YDim: Array of 64 bit Reals [YDim = 0..360]
long_name: latitude
units: degrees_north
fullpath: YDim:EOSGRID
TIME: Array of 64 bit Reals [TIME = 0..23]
long_name: time
units: minutes since 1984-02-08 00:30:00
time_increment: 10000
begin_date: 19840208
begin_time: 3000
fullpath: TIME:EOSGRID
XDim_EOS: Array of 64 bit Reals [XDim = 0..539]
long_name: XDim
coordinates: XDim
fullpath: /EOSGRID/Data Fields/XDim
YDim_EOS: Array of 64 bit Reals [YDim = 0..360]
long_name: YDim
coordinates: YDim
fullpath: /EOSGRID/Data Fields/YDim
Time: Array of 64 bit Reals [TIME = 0..23]
long_name: Time
coordinates: TIME
fullpath: /EOSGRID/Data Fields/Time