Dataset Information

missing_value: 9.999999870e+14
Conventions: CF-1.0
title: MERRA reanalysis. GEOS-5.2.0
history: File written by CFIO
institution: Global Modeling and Assimilation Office, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771
source: Global Modeling and Assimilation Office. GEOSops_5_2_0
comment: GEOS-5.2.0

Variables in this Dataset

CLOUD: Array of 32 bit Reals [TIME = 0..7][Height = 0..41][YDim = 0..143][XDim = 0..287]
_FillValue: 9.999999870e+14
long_name: 3-D Cloud fraction
standard_name: cloud_area_fraction_in_atmosphere_layer
units: fraction
scale_factor: 1.000000000
add_offset: 0.000000000
missing_value: 9.999999870e+14
fmissing_value: 9.999999870e+14
vmin: -1.000000015e+30
vmax: 1.000000015e+30
valid_range: -1.000000015e+30, 1.000000015e+30
coordinates: TIME Height YDim XDim
fullpath: /EOSGRID/Data Fields/CLOUD
DTDTLWR: Array of 32 bit Reals [TIME = 0..7][Height = 0..41][YDim = 0..143][XDim = 0..287]
_FillValue: 9.999999870e+14
long_name: T tendency from terrestrial radiation
standard_name: air_temperature_tendency_due_to_longwave
units: K/s
scale_factor: 1.000000000
add_offset: 0.000000000
missing_value: 9.999999870e+14
fmissing_value: 9.999999870e+14
vmin: -1.000000015e+30
vmax: 1.000000015e+30
valid_range: -1.000000015e+30, 1.000000015e+30
coordinates: TIME Height YDim XDim
fullpath: /EOSGRID/Data Fields/DTDTLWR
DTDTLWRCLR: Array of 32 bit Reals [TIME = 0..7][Height = 0..41][YDim = 0..143][XDim = 0..287]
_FillValue: 9.999999870e+14
long_name: T tendency from terrestrial radiation (clear sky)
standard_name: air_temperature_tendency_due_to_longwave_for_clear_skies
units: K/s
scale_factor: 1.000000000
add_offset: 0.000000000
missing_value: 9.999999870e+14
fmissing_value: 9.999999870e+14
vmin: -1.000000015e+30
vmax: 1.000000015e+30
valid_range: -1.000000015e+30, 1.000000015e+30
coordinates: TIME Height YDim XDim
fullpath: /EOSGRID/Data Fields/DTDTLWRCLR
DTDTSWR: Array of 32 bit Reals [TIME = 0..7][Height = 0..41][YDim = 0..143][XDim = 0..287]
_FillValue: 9.999999870e+14
long_name: T tendency from solar radiation
standard_name: air_temperature_tendency_due_to_shortwave
units: K/s
scale_factor: 1.000000000
add_offset: 0.000000000
missing_value: 9.999999870e+14
fmissing_value: 9.999999870e+14
vmin: -1.000000015e+30
vmax: 1.000000015e+30
valid_range: -1.000000015e+30, 1.000000015e+30
coordinates: TIME Height YDim XDim
fullpath: /EOSGRID/Data Fields/DTDTSWR
DTDTSWRCLR: Array of 32 bit Reals [TIME = 0..7][Height = 0..41][YDim = 0..143][XDim = 0..287]
_FillValue: 9.999999870e+14
long_name: T tendency from solar radiation (clear sky)
standard_name: air_temperature_tendency_due_to_shortwave_for_clear_skies
units: K/s
scale_factor: 1.000000000
add_offset: 0.000000000
missing_value: 9.999999870e+14
fmissing_value: 9.999999870e+14
vmin: -1.000000015e+30
vmax: 1.000000015e+30
valid_range: -1.000000015e+30, 1.000000015e+30
coordinates: TIME Height YDim XDim
fullpath: /EOSGRID/Data Fields/DTDTSWRCLR
XDim: Array of 64 bit Reals [XDim = 0..287]
long_name: longitude
units: degrees_east
fullpath: XDim:EOSGRID
YDim: Array of 64 bit Reals [YDim = 0..143]
long_name: latitude
units: degrees_north
fullpath: YDim:EOSGRID
Height: Array of 64 bit Reals [Height = 0..41]
long_name: vertical level
units: hPa
positive: down
coordinate: PLE
standard_name: PLE_level
formula_term: unknown
fullpath: Height:EOSGRID
TIME: Array of 64 bit Reals [TIME = 0..7]
long_name: time
units: minutes since 2012-07-06 01:30:00
time_increment: 30000
begin_date: 20120706
begin_time: 13000
fullpath: TIME:EOSGRID
XDim_EOS: Array of 64 bit Reals [XDim = 0..287]
long_name: XDim
coordinates: XDim
fullpath: /EOSGRID/Data Fields/XDim
YDim_EOS: Array of 64 bit Reals [YDim = 0..143]
long_name: YDim
coordinates: YDim
fullpath: /EOSGRID/Data Fields/YDim
Height_EOS: Array of 64 bit Reals [Height = 0..41]
long_name: Height
coordinates: Height
fullpath: /EOSGRID/Data Fields/Height
Time: Array of 64 bit Reals [TIME = 0..7]
long_name: Time
coordinates: TIME
fullpath: /EOSGRID/Data Fields/Time